AI Wearables, Corporate FOMO, and Invisible Audio Watermarks

Why I love the AI Pin, Google's stealthy audio innovation, and the corporate AI races continue

Welcome back humans.

Ahhhh, another week of whiplash in the AI world. In this edition, we're diving into what I personally think is the future of mobility, how corporates don’t know wtf is going on with AI but are still integrating it ‘cause FOMO, and how AI watermarking is being rolled out for audio.

Ok let’s get into it….

Here’s what you need to know about AI today:

  • Humane's wearable device that's changing how we interact w/ tech.

  • Corporate’s race to adopt AI and why 77% of companies are already on board.

  • This morning Google announced hidden AI watermarks for audio.

#1 The Future is Here and It’s Humane.

The future of mobility is changing, and Humane's Ai Pin is a bold step in that direction.

Priced at $699, this little wearable device is set to redefine our interaction with technology.

Instead of pulling out a phone, the Ai Pin, which attaches to your lapel, projects info like a call onto your hand.

Voice and gestures replace taps and swipes, thanks to a Snapdragon processor and AI smarts.

It's privacy-conscious too, with no 'wake words' needed and a Trust Light to indicate active recording.

Cosmos, Humane's own AI-infused operating system, eliminates traditional apps for an intuitive experience.

Collaborations with Microsoft and OpenAI ensure that Ai Pin stays on the cutting edge.

And for music lovers, there's an AI-driven music experience in partnership with Tidal.

Some question whether we're ready to move beyond smartphones.

But Humane's Ai Pin is not just another gadget – it's about tech that blends seamlessly into our lives.

Investors are noticing, with $230 million already poured into this vision of 'ambient computing.'

So, are we ready to embrace this discreet leap towards a more intuitive world?

💡 My take:

People went nuts over this product when it was announced. I honestly didn’t expect to see that much hate for a product like this but I guess all press is good press. Personally, I love this product and think it is a reflection of not just where the world is going but how we will all interact with mobile devices in the near future. I think back to when the iPhone launched or even when Google Glass launched, remember those? There will always people people in the peanut gallery. Things are changing fast with AI and what we once thought of as an interface, for instance a screen, doesn’t apply anymore. The AI Pin is a perfect example of a screenless interface powered by apps built on data. It’s what the future will look like but we’re getting a glimpse of it now regardless if it gets mass adoption or not.

#2 77% of Companies Have Adopted AI But Don’t Know Why

Awkward Season 4 GIF by The Office

Gif by theoffice on Giphy

Retool's digging has unearthed a shiny nugget: 77% of companies have jumped on the AI train, yet the ride has just begun.

Talk about some serious FOMO! Apparently, a chunk of them don't even know why they're on board – some just don't want to miss out on the tech trend or lag behind competitors. Here’s the data:

  • 35% of companies are entering AI to “keep up with trends”

  • 31% to “keep up with competitors”

For the clued-in crowd, it’s back to the familiar: AI's rocking customer support and chatbots, and adding some zing to product features.

But, oh boy, it's not all champagne and confetti. They're wrestling with AI's pinches – think accuracy snafus, data security jitters, and the money munch.

It's like the gold rush all over again – everyone's prospecting in the same stream, finding rocks more often than gold.

Now, here’s a peek at the trailblazers: they're cozying up with OpenAI’s GPT-4, while a brave few dive deep into custom models with the likes of Hugging Face and LangChain.

Only a sprinkle are dabbling with AWS Bedrock, LlamaIndex, and Weights & Biases.

💡 My take:

We're heading towards a world where AI is as common as smartphones. If the big guns are into AI, it's only a matter of time before the small businesses start swimming in these waters too. To me that's more exciting than corporate integrations. It won’t be long before your local cafe is using AI and there is a company that’s making it easy to do so. From an investment standpoint I’m watching this space closely. It’s still very early for "‘AI for SMBs” but whoever captures this market and sales like a bat outta OpenAI might just be the next big unicorn.

#3 Google Drops Hidden AI Watermark Feature for Audio

AI-generated music now comes with a hidden signature thanks to Google's SynthID watermark. This innovative technology ensures that we can identify when a piece of music is the work of AI. The sneaky part is that you won't actually hear the watermark, but it's there, quietly keeping the audio genuine. Even if someone tries to tamper with the track, the watermark remains intact. This new feature is Google's way of complying with the new AI content rules. Just like its counterpart for AI images, this SynthID watermark is hot off the press, freshly introduced to the world. Read more about it…

💡 My take:

Google is proving that they aren’t messing around about becoming a leader in the AI space. Though they’re lagging their strategy seems to be to out innovate and release as many AI products (both within their product catalog and new products) in the hopes that something sticks and they catch-up to OpenAI. I honestly can’t blame them… what else can you do in a situation like this. Anyway… my take on the tech:

As the world embraces AI more and more, the significance of AI watermarking is set to rise. Currently, AI watermarking is primarily used for audio, video, and images. In the future, this technology will extend to data snippets as well, allowing users to have a verification checkmark for their own data. Imagine having a foolproof way to authenticate and protect your information.

💩Sh*ts & Giggles

Last week I published a long form piece on Sunday morning. Check it out if you haven’t read it yet. You guys loved it (and so did I) so I’ll be adding this to my weekly publishing. Expect 2 emails a week now :)

This Sunday I’ll be expanding on my IG post about how the world of startups is changing and how this change is impacted by AI. That’s all for today folks!

See you on Sunday!