Happy Holidays

From my family to yours.


Before we all get consumed with the upcoming holiday I wanted to send a special message wishing you a restful and fulfilling holiday season.

Generated with MidJourney 6

Before the new year you’ll receive my 10 AI Predictions for 2024 and I must say I’m so looking forward to hearing what your thoughts are on them!

One of the peaks of my 2023 has been getting back to past loves like writing this newsletter and hosting my AI accelerator. I’m thankful for your support and also the conversations that we’ve had during this exciting time in technology.

When you hit reply on my newsletter I read every email and have gotten some great feedback. One of which is the request for a companion podcast to this newsletter. Many of you want to be able to read my insights but also have an option to listen to conversations on the same topics as you go about your daily routine.

So….I’m excited to announce the AB on AI companion podcast!


Much to be thankful for this year. Including launching my newsletter AB on AI. Ill be launching a companion podcast after the new year for... See more

You can subscribe below and also follow my channel where you can revisit old podcasts I’ve done as well as get a heads up on forthcoming new shows.

I’ll be publishing weekly, along with this newsletter, and am excited to revisit podcasting in this way!

I hope you and your family have a beautiful Christmas and I look forwards to catching up with you next week on my 2024 Predictions in AI.


P.S. I used Midjourney 6 to generate this Christmas image. It’s amazing and the detail when generating images of humans is literally unreal. Check it out in this quick tutorial if you have free time over the holidays.