AI Regulation & Innovation: A Balancing Act

Biden's AI executive order, Brave's new AI assistant, and artists fighting back against AI misuse.

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I’m absolutely obsessed with making the best newsletter possible. One that doesn’t waste your time and focuses on the most important topics in AI (while adding my special spin). Quality > Quantity. Always!

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Here’s what you need to know about AI today:

  • Biden's sweeping AI executive order and its implications

  • Leo, Brave's new AI assistant, actually respects your privacy

  • How artists are using AI to protect their digital art

#1 Biden’s AI Executive Order

We've got some big news in the AI world this week.

President Biden just signed a sweeping AI executive order. 🖋️

It's the most expansive regulatory attempt yet. It aims to spur innovation and tackle the risks from what Biden calls the "most consequential technology of our time".

It's massive.

So massive, this is the most significant action any government has taken globally on AI safety, security, and trust.

But we've got a problem.

The effort to regulate AI remains in its infancy. Why do you ask? Because, believe it or not, the US still has no federal data privacy law.

Let that sink in.

No federal data privacy law means AI regulation doesn't protect consumers against data exploitation. AI companies can still snatch up consumer data to train their models.

The executive order does make strides in managing AI risks. Safety obligations are placed on AI developers. Tests have to be done on the most advanced AI systems.

But, here's the caveat.

Biden's team admits that the safety testing probably "will not catch any system currently on the market".

The order is leaning more towards a "forward-looking action for the next generation of models".

Biden is urging Congress to "pass bipartisan data privacy legislation to protect all Americans, especially kids". Without it, regulation on AI will ultimately hurt the public more than help.

My take:

  • This move seems like fluff from the current administration to at least appear like they care to the public. They know that any AI regulation w/o a data privacy law in the US is simply just pulling the wool over people’s heads. Congress needs to pass one like yesterday.

#2 Leo! Sup!

The new AI assistant from Brave, the privacy-focused browser, packed with some impressive features.

Here's the gist about Leo:

  1. Leo translates, analyzes, and rewrites webpage content 🎉

  2. It's more than a chat interface, acting as a web companion.

But the incredible thing?

Leo gets smarter without snatching your data.

It doesn't need user chats or inputs to train its AI model.

That says a lot considering how this practice has become standard amongst technology companies. Tempted to know more?

Check out this resource to get the full scoop.

My take:

  • I love this but sadly a large portion to the internet still has no idea what Brave is (see their market share here) so I doubt it gets too much market penetration.

  • I do think that is is a positive signal of a rising number of AI companies that are positioning themselves against typical tactics of stealing data.

#3 Artists Taking a Stand Against AI

In a world where AI is running amok, artists have decided to fight back with a secret weapon called Nightshade. This sneaky little tool has the power to subtly mess with digital art and throw AI training into a frenzy. It's like giving a mischievous monkey a paintbrush and watching chaos unfold!

The goal of Nightshade is simple: to give power back to the artists and put a stop to copyright infringement. No longer will AI be able to steal their hard work and claim it as their own. It's like a superhero cape for artists, protecting their creations from the clutches of those pesky AI thieves.

But that's not all! The brilliant minds behind Nightshade have also come up with Glaze, a tool that safeguards artists' personal styles. It's like having a bodyguard for your artistic identity. These artists are not messing around!

Now, here's where things get really interesting. The master plan is to merge Nightshade and Glaze, creating the ultimate weapon of choice for artists. It's like combining peanut butter and jelly, but instead of a sandwich, you get a powerful tool to unleash havoc on AI. Artists will have the freedom to decide whether they want to use Nightshade or not. It's like giving them the keys to a fancy sports car and saying, "Go wild!"

And guess what? Nightshade is going to be open-source! That means anyone with a creative bone in their body can use it to their heart's content. It's like a free buffet of artistic mischief. The more people use it, the more effective it becomes. It's like a mischievous virus spreading through the AI world, causing mayhem and confusion.

Of course, with great power comes great responsibility. There are concerns about Nightshade falling into the wrong hands and being used for malicious purposes. So, the creators are working hard to build defenses against any potential misuse. It's like putting a lock on the cookie jar to keep those sneaky hands away.

But Nightshade's mission doesn't stop there. It also aims to make AI companies respect artists' rights. It's like a rebellious teenager standing up to the big, bad corporations and saying, "Hey, artists matter too!"

And you know what? The do!

My take:

  • I love what the team is doing here and wonder if the technology can be applied to other, non-image, creative works like an author’s work.

💩Sh*ts & Giggles

That’s all for today folks!

See you on the interwebs,